Senin, 05 Agustus 2019

Is Freelancing A Career



A freelancer is a self-employed person who offers services, often working on several jobs for multiple clients at one time. Freelancers usually earn money on a per-job basis, charging hourly or daily rates for their work. Freelance work is usually short-term. While a freelancer is not officially employed by another company, they can be subcontracted by other businesses. It’s common for freelancers to work on several different jobs or projects at once, but some freelance contracts may restrict who else the freelancer can work for until they complete the project. Some of the most common freelance jobs are within creative industries such as graphic design, copywriting, website development, or photography; however, freelancers can work in almost any service-based industry, such as translation, consulting, or catering.


Freelancing gives you freedom, and you become your boss. This sounds fascinating, but at the same time; you need to be self-disciplined. You have to be very sincere about your work. Especially if you are an online freelancer, you are bound to get distracted easily. You need to understand “Time is money“, and you need to keep your focus on your work.
The most important factor of freelancing is to finish the projects within deadlines thus if you are planning to start freelancing make sure you have good time management skills. Initially, it may sound like not a big deal kind of thing, but as soon as you move ahead in your career, you will face the biggest problem of getting stuck in multiple things. If you stay organized from day one, you are bound to get success.

When you are working with a company, there are many programs and factors to help in motivation. But, when you work alone from home there are lots of factors which demotivates you or at least you can feel the lack of constant motivation. Problems with friends/family, lack of productivity, not enough earning, the bad day with the client and lots more, these factors can easily drag you away from creativity and your work. Thus, If you are like me who needs a mentor to keep me motivated and help you to get best out of you then to freelance would be the tough job for you.
A good idea is to keep your freelancing desk surrounded with stuff that keeps you motivated. It could be anything related to your earlier work, photos, motivational posters, or motivational music in background. Once in a while, you should consider watching motivational movies, to keep pushing you for more.

Dealing with clients
Apart from dealing with motivation, discipline, and planning, you also need to deal with your clients to get success in freelancing. The first job is to search for clients for the services you provide and for that you need to be innovative in your marketing skills. Once you get a lead, you need to interact with him for pricing, job requirement and other information related to the project. Not every client are the same, and every time you will be dealing with different kind of clients. Few of them will be perfect to deal with, and few of them will be the biggest critics of your work and would hardly get satisfied with your work. Thus, if you can’t take criticism, then it’s going to be a tough way to be a successful freelancer. You have to keep your ego aside and learn to deal with different type of people when working online.

Money Matters
Maybe freelancing is your dream work, but you can’t ignore earning. Earning is always secondary when have passion in what you do but it do count. Thus, before leaving your full-time job make sure you have sufficient savings because it might take the time to start a good earning as a freelancer. Lack of money might discourage you. Once you are fine to start with freelancing, you need to be confident about your work and charge for your services according. Analyze the market, clients and then decide how much you are going to charge. And do remember “never put all eggs in one basket.”

Build your portfolio
To get better clients, you need to work on building your portfolio. When you work with freelancing sites like, upwork, it’s becoming easier to create a portfolio. At the same time, you should work on building your personal portfolio on your personal website. WordPress makes it easier for any freelancer, to get their portfolio website up and ready with few minutes of work. Not only you can showcase your work, you can also add a blog to it, to target more clients from search traffic.
Having your own website will help you to get more clients, and will also cut down the middle-man cost. Thus helping you in getting better clients with better incentives. This is highly recommended, as you can’t always rely on freelancing sites for new jobs, because couple of bad reviews on these freelancing sites, might become biggest hurdle of your freelancing career.
Above are few factors which you must consider before choosing a full-time. Sharing these factors doesn’t mean that you can never be a successful freelancer, I shared it so that you know what basic qualities a freelancer should have and if any of these qualities are missing then you can improve them and give a kick-start to your freelancing career.


a) One of the website, that many beginners hit is, as it has very good ranking on google, given the advantage it gets because of its name.

b) Another good website is (now upwork), it seems to be the most famous website for getting a job done.

c) A very interesting online marketplace that started in 2010 and was able to acquire good portion of freelance job market is, the name fiverr came from its concept that the seller have to create a gig of the services that they are willing to provide for $5, the buyer can browse through various gigs and choose the service they would like to buy, there is option to attach a video to your gig which made it very interesting to browse through the gigs.

d) There is another good website for crowdsourcing called where the users, i.e. the buyers and sellers, are mainly from the United Kingdom, maybe because it was founded in London. But nothing restricts you to join and get or post work there.

You must be wondering how do the payments take place internationally on websites like these since most of the time the buyer and the seller are from different countries, to facilitate the payment there are various online payment systems supported by these websites, the most famous of these payment system is Paypal, it takes some amount for every transaction it handles and provides a secure and smooth experience to transfer or receive the money.

One of the most important thing about profiles on these freelancing websites is the rating, a user has, after completing a job the seller and buyer have the option to give rating to each other. If a profile gets good number of good ratings they tend to attract more customers and thus have the option to take more orders or increase the price of the service they provide.

There are many service based startups which have these websites as the main source of acquiring the projects. The same can be checked by visiting the sources I mentioned and estimating the money flow that happens on these crowdsourcing websites. Because of websites like these people have the option to sell their skills across various countries and build their business abroad a lot more easily.

By my freelancing career I was not able to make the money I used to see flowing on the internet because I was choosy about the projects I accepted and some other reasons. If a person’s target is making money by freelancing, there is considerable market online.

Minggu, 04 Agustus 2019


CONNECTORS (Kata Penghubung)
Connectors digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat/lebih menjadi satu kalimat.
Connectors dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu:
Menunjukan waktu : before, after, as soon as, while, when.
·         We went home after the rain stopped.
·         I prepare my ticket and passport before I go on holiday to Paris.
·         I started to look for an apartment as soon as I arrived in this city.
·         While he was reading her novel, somebody knocked on the door.
·         I was really sad when I saw a drama movie.
Menunjukan sebab dan akibat : because/because of, since.
·         I went to the hospital because I had a serious accident.
·         I went to the hospital because of my serious accident.
·         Since I have no money, I can’t treat you.
Menunjukan tanda urutan: first, next, then, after that, finally.
·         first, we must prepare the ingredients.
·         Next, we cut the vegetables into small pieces.
·         After that, we put them into frying pan.
·         Finally, we put some sauce and salt.
Coordinate Connector adalah AND, BUT, OR, or SO.
Banyak kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang terdiri dari dua klausa ( Klausa adalah kelompok kata yang paling sedikit terdiri dari satu Subject dan satu Verb (Predikat).
Ketika ada dua kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris, kita harus menggabungkannya dengan benar. Saalah satu cara untuk menggabungkan dua buah kalusa adalah dengan menggunakan AND, BUT, OR, or SO.
·         The sun was shining and the sky was blue.
·         The sky was blue, but it was very cold.
·         It may rain tonight, or it may be clear.
·         It was raining outside, so I took my umbrella.
Keempat kalimat diatas terdiri dari dua klausa dan semuanya di hubungkan dengan sebuah Coordinate Coonector dan sebuah Comma.
Jadi , Connectors adalah kata penghubung atau conjunction memiliki 3 jenis yaitu : Coordinating Connectors, Subordinating Connectors (cause connector, misal: because, because of) dan Correlative Connectors (Not only…but also, either or…neither nor, both…and)
Coordinate connectors adalah kata hubung yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua konstruksi gramatikal yang sama yaitu: kata, frasa (phrase), atau klausa (clause). Elemen yang dihubungkan tersebut biasanya bersifat paralel (kedudukannya sejajar) secara struktur gramatikal. Kata hubung ini sering digunakan pada compound sentence untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause.
Kata yang Termasuk Connector
Sesuai dengan judul artikel kita kali ini, maka khusus akan membahas tentang connector. Kata-kata yang termasuk connector atau Conjunction (Kata Sambung) adalah di bawah ini :
1.      For / Because / since
For dan since sebagai connector mempunyai arti karena. Kata ini biasanya diikuti dengan kalimat yang menjadi alasan kalimat sebelumnya.  Artinya sama hanya berbeda penggunaan pada contoh kalimat conjunction because.
2.      And
And artinya dan. And biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat yang menunjukkan hubungan penambahan kalimat sebelumnya. Atau sesuatu yang dilakukan setelah kalimat pertama.
3.      Nor
Nor dapat berarti tidak juga atau dan tidak. Kalimat pertama sebelum kata nor biasanya merupakan kalimat negatif.
But. But mempunyai tetapi atau menunjukkan dua kalimat yang bertentangan. Dalam penggunaannya, kalimat kedua atau setelah kata but adalah kalimat yang betentangan dengan kalimat pertama.
4.      Yet
Yet mempunyai arti meskipun. Mirip dengan kata but atau tetapi dlam penggunaannya. Yet juga dapat berarti nevertheless
5.      So / now that
So berarti jadi, atau oleh karena itu atau sehingga. Sama artinya dengan now that. Kalimat yang mengikuti kata ini adalah akibat atau konsekuensi dari kalimat pertama.
6.      Or
Or berarti atau. Dua kalimat yang dihubungkan dengan kata atau biasanya mempunyai arti semakna atau sederajat.
Pola Kalimat Connector dalam Bahasa Inggris
Pola kalimat yang digunakan dan dihubungkan dengan connector, tidak perbeda dengan pola kalimat Bahasa Inggris umumnya, yaitu
Subject + Predikat (verb)+ Objek Connector Subject + Predikat (Verb) + Objek

Relative Clause

Relative Clause
Klausa relatif atau relative clause adalah bagian kalimat yang tidak terlalu penting. Klausa relatif dapat memberikan makna tambahan. Tetapi jika dihilangkan, kalimat akan tetap memiliki tata bahasa yang benar. Ada dua jenis klausa relatif dalam bahasa Inggris. Kita sebaiknya dapat membedakan keduanya karena memengaruhi pemilihan kata ganti (pronoun) yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan klausa. Ada halaman yang lebih detail mengenai penempatan preposisi dalam klausa relatif.
Defining atau identifying clause menjelaskan orang atau benda manakah yang kita bicarakan dalam sekelompok orang atau benda yang lebih besar. Jika defining clause dihilangkan, arti dari kalimat berubah secara signifikan. Defining relative clause tidak dipisahkan oleh koma atau tanda kurung dari bagian kalimat lainnya.

·         The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
·         The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.
·         The man who stole my backpack has been arrested.
·         The weather that we had this summer was beautiful.
Pelajari selengkapnya mengenai cara menggunakan defining relative clause dengan benar.
Non-defining atau non-essential clause memberikan informasi tentang orang atau benda yang kita bicarakan. Jika non-defining relative clause dihilangkan dari kalimat, kita akan kehilangan detailnya, tetapi arti kalimat secara keseluruhan tetap sama. Non-defining relative clause selalu dipisahkan oleh koma atau tanda kurung dari bagian kalimat lainnya.
·         The farmer, whose name was Fred, sold us 10 pounds of potatoes.
·         Elephants, which are the largest land mammals, live in herds of 10 or more adults.
·         The author, who graduated from the same university I did, gave a wonderful presentation.
·         My mother, who is 86, lives in Paris.

Passive Voice, Causative Have

Passive Voice, Causative Have
Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif) adalah kalimat yang subject-nya dikenai suatu pekerjaan atau menderita suatu. Dengan kata lain subject kalimat tersebut menjadi sasaran kegiatan yang dinyatakan oleh kata kerja. Dalam bahasa indonesia ciri-ciri kalimat pasif adalah kata kerjanya yang berawalan dengan “di-“ dan beberapa lagi memiliki awalan “ter-“ (tergantung pada konteks kalimat).

Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif) adalah kalimat yang subject-nya berbuat sesuatau atau melakukan suatu pekerjaan. Dalam bahasa indonesia ciri-ciri kalimat aktif adalah kata kerjanya selalu berawalan “me-“ dan beberapa lagi memiliki awalan “ber-“.

Bentuk dari Passive Voice (kalimat pasif) adalah : TO BE / BE + VERB 3

a.      Passive Voice digunakan jika kita hanya ingin fokus pada kejadian bukan pada siapa yang melakukannya.


Active             : the man is kicking the ball now.

Passive            : the ball is being kicked now

b.     Passive Voice digunakan untuk menghindari suatu subjek yang semu (someone, somebody).

Example :

Active             : someone hit the mirror last night.

Passive            : the mirror was hit last night.

Note :

Dalam bahasa inggris terdapat beberapa kata kerja yang bisa memiliki 2 object, seperti: teach, pay, give, ask, tell, show, over.

Pola – Pola Passive Voice

     1.     Simple Present Tense


Active             : S + To Be (is, am, are)

Passive            : S + To Be (is,am,are) + V3


Active             : Budi writtes a letter

Passive            : a letter is written by budy

      2.     Simple Past

Rumus :

Active : S + To Be (was,were) + v2

Passive            : S + To Be (was, were) + V3


Actived           : i eat fried rice yesterday

Passived          : fried rice was eaten by me yesterday

      3.     Present Perfect

Rumus :

Active             : S + To Be (has, have) + V3

Passive            :  S + To Be + been + V3

Example :

Active             : we have been helping the poor people

Passive            : the poor people have been being helped by us

  CAUSATIVE VERBS (Kata Kerja Kausative)

Causative Verb ( Kata Kerja Kausatif ) adalah kata kerja utama atau pokok yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa seseorang menyuruh atau menyebabkan orang lain melakukan sesuatu.

Beberapa caustive verb :

have/has                   had

ask                           asked

get                           got

             1.     Active Causative
       A.      Causative “Have”
Rumus: Subject + have/has + someone + kata kerja Bentuk I
a.    I have him clean my shoes (saya menyuruhnya membersihkan sepatuku)
b.    Mary has George climbs the tree
c.    You must haveSusie study hard

         B.     Causative “Get”
Rumus: Subject + Get + someone + to infinitive
a.    He gets John to brush the shoes
b.    They get me to wash the clothes
c.    She will get Anne to accompany her to the party tomorrow

            2.     Passive Causative
Rumus: Subject + have/get + object + kata kerja Bentuk III
a.    The government got the bridge built quickly
b.    We must have the floor cleaned as soon as possible

      C. Causative “Make“
Penggunaannya sama dengan causative di atas, namun perintahnya lebih keras (sedikit memaksa)
Rumus: Subject + Make + someone + Kata kerja bentuk I
a.    The teacher always makes the students stay in their own seats
b.    Bob made his son be quiet in the library

Adjective and Adverb

Adjective (kata sifat) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan noun (kata benda) atau pronoun (kata ganti) yang dapat berupa orang (person), tempat (place), binatang (animal), benda atau konsep abstrak.
Adverb (kata keterangan) adalah kata yang berfungsi menerangkan kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adjective), atau kata keterangan lainnya.
Contoh Kalimat Adjective:
·         My sister is not only beautiful but also tall. (Kakakku tidak hanya cantik, tapi juga tinggi.)
·         Tonight is very quiet and dark. (Malam ini sangat sunyi dan gelap)
·         I met a big gorilla in the zoo yesterday. (Aku bertemu seekor gorila yang sangat besar.)
·         I have some girl friends, but you are the best. (Aku mempunyai beberapa pacar, tapi kamu adalah yang terbaik).
·         The man who is standing on the bridge is a terrorist. (Orang yang berdiri di atas jembatanitu adalah seorang teroris).

A.     Adverb of Manner
Adverb of manner memberi penjelasan tentang bagaimana atau dengan cara apa suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Contohnya adalah sadly, happily, bravely, hard, fast, soundly, fairly, dan seterusnya.
Contoh kalimat:
·         Please,go home carfully.(tolong pulang kerumah hati-hati)
·         The students compete fairly. (Para siswa bersaing secara adil)
·         I hope today is better.(saya harap hari ini makin baik)
·         She dances beautifully (dia menari dengan cantik)
·         He screams angrily to his neighbor (dia berteriak dengan marah pada tetangganya)

B.     Adverb of Time
Adverb of time (keterangan waktu) adalah kata yang menunjuk pada kapan sesuatu terjadi atau berada. Beberapa kata yang tergolong adverb of time adalah immediately (secepatnya), then (nanti), now (sekarang), yesterday (kemarin), tommorow (besok), later (kemudian), daily (setiap hari), dan lain-lain.
Contoh kalimat:
·         Let’s begin to work now. (Mari kita mulai bekerja sekarang)
·         Ferdi always comes late. (Ferdi selalu datang terlambat)
·         The postman comes daily. (Tukang post datang setiap hari)
·         I went to Seoul last year (aku pergi ke seoul tahun lalu)
·         Tomorrow I will have an English exam (besok aku akan ujian bahasa inggris)

C.     Adverb of Place
Adverb of place menerangkan tempat. Contoh adverb of place adalah here (di sini), there (di sana), below (di bawah), near (dekat), dan sebagainya.
Contoh kalimat:
·         My boss is out. (Bos saya sedang keluar)
·         Stay here. (Diam di sini)
·         She always looks down. (Dia selalu melihat ke bawah)
·         I am sitting beside my mother on the bus (aku duduk di sebelah ibuku ketika berada di bis)
·         I put my books below my desk (aku menyimpan bukuku dibawah meja)

D.     Adverb of Frequency
Adverb of frequency menerangkan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Yang termasuk adverb of frequency antara lain often (sering), never (tidak pernah), frequently (kerap kali, sering), sometimes (kadang-kadang), usually (biasanya), rarely (jarang, langka), dan seldom (jarang).
Contoh kalimat:
·         I often forget her name. (Saya sering lupa namanya)
·         She seldom visits her mother. (Dia jarang mengunjungi ibunya)
·         I have told you twice. (Saya sudah memberitahumu dua kali)
·         Daniel always passes his exams (daniel selalu lulus ujian)
·         He is always happy (dia selalu senang)

E.      Adverb of certainty
Adverb of certainty menerangkan keyakinan atau kepastian dari suatu hal. Contoh adverb of certainty adalah surely, obviously, definitely, probably, possibly, maybe, really, dan doubly.
Contoh kalimat:
·         It will probably rain tonight. (Mungkin akan hujan malam ini)
·         I will certainly help you. (Saya pasti akan menolong Anda)
·         rara is obviously very clever. (rara sudah jelas sangat pintar)
·         I certainly come to your wedding party (aku pasti datang pada pesta pernikahan mu)
·         Hitta is certainly a smart man. (Hitta  jelas yang pria cerdas)

Modal Auxiliaries

Modal Auxiliaries

A. Pengertian.
Modal Auxiliary adalah kata kerja yang bertugas membantu kata kerja utama. Jadi Modal Auxiliary adalah kata kerja pembantu, dan kata kerja utama itu adalah “majikannya”. Contoh: I will explain about modal auxiliary. “Will” adalah kata kerja bantu yang bertugas membantu kata kerja utamanya yaitu “Explain”. Karena hanya pembantu, sehingga ketika dihilangkan tidak akan menjadi masalah dan kalimat tersebut tidak akan kehilangan makna utamanya. Tapi kalau kata kerja utamanya yang dihilangkan, maka kalimat tersebut akan kehilangan makna. Modal auxiliary hanya terdiri dari beberapa kata kerja saja. Jadi kita tidak perlu khawatir dalam memahaminya.

B. Contoh dan Fungsi Modal Auxiliary Verbs.
1.      Berbicara tentang pekerjaan di masa depan,
Contoh: I won’t (will not) be in the office until 11; I’ve got a meeting
2.      Membuat semi formal permintaan,
Contoh: Will you open the window, please? It’s very hot in here.
1.      Untuk menawarkan sesuatu,
Contoh: Shall I fetch you another glass of wine?
2.      Membuat kalimat saran,
Contoh:  Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
1.      Menggambarkan pekerjaan yang mungkin terjadi. Bedanya May lebih memungkinkan terjadi (50% chance); sedangkan might lebih meragukan (mungkin hanya 30% chance).
Contoh: She may be back in her office: the lecture finished ten minutes ago.
2.      Menunjukkan persetujuan atau izin. Jadi biasa diterjemahkan dengan arti “boleh”.
Contoh: You may go home now.
1.      Bentuk past dari will.
Contoh: He said the next meeting would be in a month’s time.
2.      Permintaan tolong yang lebih halus dari “will”.
Contoh: Would you like another cup of tea?
1.      Berbicara tentang kemampuan.
Contoh: Can you speak Mandarin? (present)
She could play the piano when she was five. (past)
2.      Membuat permintaan,
Contoh: Can you give me a ring at about 10?
Could you speak up a bit please? (slightly more formal, polite or ‘softer’)
3.      Permohonan izin,
Contoh: Can I ask you a question?
Could I ask you a personal question? (more formal, polite or indirect)
4.      Pilihan,
Contoh:  If you want some help with your writing, you can come to classes, or you can get some 1:1 help.



Jika verb menjadi complement (objek) dalam sebuah kalimat, maka verbs tersebut bisa berbentuk verb+ing atau to+verb. Penentuan bentuk tersebut (apakah verb+ing atau to+verb) tergantung oleh verb yang menjadi predicate dalam kalimat itu.

1.      Verb + GerundsGerund adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda sehingga dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek, objek dan pelengkap (complement) dalam kalimat, juga di belakang sebuah preposisi. Bentuk gerund biasanya disebut verb+ing. Mungkin istilah itulah yang biasa kita kenal selama ini mengenai gerund. Singkatnya, Gerund adalah kata benda yang dibentuk dari kata kerja (verb) + ing. Gerund sebagai pelengkap tidak dapat dijadikan subject dalam kalimat pasif (passive voice). Gerund terletak setelah to be: is/am/are, was/were, been/being/be. Contoh :
·         My hobby is fishing
·         Her hobby is reading novel
·         My favorite sport is playing football
·         What she wants to do now is crying over her mother to release her burden
·         He considered traveling to Europe for the summer, but he doesn’t have enough funds

2.         verb + to   infinitives adalah bentuk dasar dari verbs. Dalam bahasa inggris, penulisan infinitives biasanya diawali dengan “to”. Misalnya: to read, to walk, to give, dan seterusnya. Meskipun pada umumnya infinitive diawali dengan “to”, akan tetapi ada beberapa infinitive tanpa “to”, biasanya disebut dengan “bare infinitive”. Contoh:
a. Subject + Verb + to infinitive
·         I want to study English.
·         I hope to see you again.
·         Residents are not allowed to bring pets in my apartment.
b. subject + verb + object (nouns/ pronouns) + to infinitive
·                My boss expects me to finish the work as soon as possible.
·                The teacher reminded the students to do their homework.
·                The doctor advised him to stop smoking.
·                Verb + Preposition + Gerund
Ada dua kemungkinan jika Gerund digunakan sebagai Object, yakni Object of Preposition (Object Kata Depan) dan Object of Verb (Object Kata Kerja). Beberapa preposisi (preposition) lazim yang sering diikuti oleh Gerund adalah: about, in, for, of, without, from, by, dan to. Untuk preposisi “to”, boleh diikuti Gerund jika fungsinya memang sebagai presposisi, bukan bentuk dari infinitive. Contoh :
·         I’m used to sleeping with the window open.
·         I’m accustomed to sleeping with the window open.
·         I look forward to going home next month.